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An Equitable Education for All

Autumn Chapman

Sandy Radic-Oshiro
Loleta School Psychologist

11.4.2020 Wellness Wendesday Newsletter

SKILL OF THE WEEK: Appreciating our differences and agreeing to disagree Dear Students, Families, and Teachers, As many of you know, I work in a lot of schools around Humboldt County and I can sincerely say that Loleta Elementary School is one of my favorite schools...

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October 14, 2020 Wednesday Wellness Newsletter

Have you heard of the saying: “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
I disagree that words don’t hurt. Actually, sometimes words hurt the most. I often speak with students and families about the power of positive thinking. This week’s tip is all about the power of words and how it affects how others feel about themselves. What other people hear about themselves becomes their inner voice. October is Bullying Prevention Month.

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9.16.2020 Wednesday Wellness Newsletter

I have to start off with saying that I am on a corona-coaster with my emotions. It’s like being on a rollercoaster with times when I have  really good feelings about our world and our lives and at times feeling really low and sad. All feelings are okay, it is what we do with them that we should focus on. It is also important to know that feelings can lead us to action and change. Like when we are sad, it is telling us we may be missing something in our lives and we need help from our friends and family. 

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