9.16.2020 Wednesday Wellness Newsletter
I have to start off with saying that I am on a corona-coaster with my emotions. It’s like being on a rollercoaster with times when I have really good feelings about our world and our lives and at times feeling really low and sad. All feelings are okay, it is what we do with them that we should focus on. It is also important to know that feelings can lead us to action and change. Like when we are sad, it is telling us we may be missing something in our lives and we need help from our friends and family.
Cougar News 8-11-2020
9.9.2020 Wednesday Wellness Newsletter
This week’s Wednesday Wellness skill is whole body listening.
Cougar News August 11, 2020
Welcome back students and families! We are excited to start the 2020-2021 school year with new opportunities for learning and growing as individuals and a community.
Loleta Newsletter – April 2020
Dear Families Loleta Union School District is here for each and every family during this difficult time, the last three weeks have been a race to discover how to prep 103 meals per day, package not only meals but homework packets, teachers turning their curriculum...
Miércoles Boletín de bienestar – Semana 8
13 de mayo de 2020 Estimados estudiantes y familias, Estamos todos juntos en esto! Mantente conectado. ¡Alcanzar! He notado que las últimas dos semanas han sido más desafiantes emocionalmente para los estudiantes y las familias y también para mí. Estoy descubriendo...
Wednesday Wellness Newsletter – Week 8
We are all in this together! Stay connected. Reach out! I have noticed that the last couple of weeks have been more challenging emotionally for students and families and for myself, too. I am finding that many are experiencing ups and downs in their emotions that can change rapidly throughout the day.
Wednesday Wellness Newsletter – Week 7
6 de mayo de 2020 Estimados estudiantes y familias: Apóyanos. Esta semana mi hijo comenzó a aprender a distancia a través de Google Classroom y, por decir lo menos, ha sido un desafío. Finalmente nos habíamos metido en una rutina de paquetes de papel y hacíamos 2-3...
Wednesday Wellness Newsletter – Week 7
May 6, 2020 Dear Students and Families, Lean in. This week my son started distance learning via Google Classroom and it has been challenging to say the least! We had finally gotten into a routine of paper packets and doing 2-3 assignments per day in addition to...