Returning Travel Guidance
COVID-19 is spreading quickly in many parts of the county. Nonessential travel, including holiday travel, is not recommended. Travel outside of Humboldt County increases your risk of getting infected with the virus causing COVID-19, and spreading it to others after your return. Hosting and interacting with individuals, even family, from areas outside Humboldt County also increase risk for you and your community.
COVID-19 Response Scenarios in a School Setting
HCOE COVID-19 Potential Response Scenarios in a School Setting
Developed in consultation with Humboldt County Public Health
Pacto para el regreso a la instrucción híbrida en persona
¡Estamos muy emocionados de dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes y familias al campus! Nos tomamos muy en serio la salud y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias. Nos comprometemos a asociarnos con usted para hacer todo lo posible para garantizar un año seguro y productivo para nuestros estudiantes.