COVID-19 Mobile Vaccination Clinics
Flyer 1.03 - 1.13 English PDF
Clínicas móviles de vacunación contra el COVID-19
Flyer 1.03 - 1.13 Spanish PDF
Mobile Family/Pediatric Vaccination Clinics
Family Pediatric Flyer 1.03 - 1.11 English PDF
Clínicas móviles de vacunación familiar/ pediátrica
Family Pediatric Flyer 1.03 - 1.11 Spanish PDF
Folleto de clínicas móviles de vacunación en español
Flyer 11.16-11.24 Spanish
Mobile Vaccination Clinics Flyer English
Flyer 11.16-11.24 English
Lo que las familias deben saber la vacuna contra el COVID-19
Lo que las familias necesitan saber sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19
What Families Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine
What Families Need to Know About Covid 19 Vaccine
Updated Travel Guildance 4-5-2021
Although case rates are improving in California and many parts of the country, COVID-19 activity is still high and travel increases your risk of COVID-19 infection. Travel for non-essential purposes is still discouraged by
DC and CDPH at this time. HCPH endorses CDC and CDPH recommendations delaying travel until you are fully vaccinated, as travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19 while we continue to
vaccinate our vulnerable
population. If you are not fully vaccinated and travel, follow CDC’s recommendations for unvaccinated people.