This is Ms. Sandy, your school counselor. As you know, we are taking a break from school for some time just so that we can be sure everyone can stay healthy. I know some of you have questions and may even be a little unsure of what is happening. I want you to know that this will pass and we will be back at school. In the meantime, here are a few things you can do for yourself and your family.
- Stay healthy and practice good hygiene. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands with soap and water.
- If it is pretty and warm outside, go out and play. Ride your bikes, play ball, anything to get some exercise.
- Work off some energy. Breathe in some fresh air. Take some deep breaths.
- Stay busy! Keep up with your schoolwork every day or read.
- Help around the house, do your chores. Help out without being asked, parents love that!
- Be kind to your family including brothers, sisters, moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, cousins, etc. Kindness counts!
- Talk to your parents or guardians if you are worried about anything.
- Write a letter, or draw a picture for someone. Great time to practice your art skills and kindness.
- Play a board game or cards with your family. Have family time as much as possible.
- Lastly, don’t worry too much and just be a kid. Play, laugh, and be happy. If you would like to talk or check-in, please let me know.
Please let me know if you need anything…food, a check-in, some advice, etc.
Please feel free to write me, email me, and/or text or call me. (707) 834-2861. For parents and guardians, please let us know if you need anything. I have included an article for you about how to talk to your child about the COVID-19 situation. I would suggest limiting your exposure to the media and keep your anxiety in check.
We are in this together and we care for you greatly!
Ms. Sandy