Dear Students and Families,

It is so wonderful to see our hybrid students at school this week! Our teachers, school staff, Dan and Cas, Ms. Chapman, and our office staff have been working hard to c

ontinue to create a safe and positive learning environment for all students. Thank you for all of your hard work!

This week’s Wellness Wednesday skill is about finding the positive in the world. Some of you may have watched the inauguration where a national poet spoke about hope and kindness, looking for the good in the

gorman quote "there is always light, if only we're brave enought to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it."

world, and being the good in the world. Amanda Gorman is a 23 year old poet who spoke at the presidential inauguration on Wednesday. Her message was about kindness, compassion, and being the positive in the world.

Amanda is from Los Angeles. She had difficulties in school and learned in a different way. She asked for help from her mom and her teachers and succeeded in school with this help and support. Seeing all of you, the students, brings us teachers the light and positive feelings. Amanda said that there is always light and positive, if we are brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.


I see so many of you bringing light, kindness, and compassion to your families, teachers, and your friends. Keep focusing on that! In February, we will celebrate Kindness Week and talk about how to be kind to yourself, others, animals, and your community. In the meantime, focus your energy, time, and actions on the positive. Don’t give away your energy to drama, unkindness, and conflict. Speak your truth in a kind way and look for the best in yourself and others. Agree to disagree. Remember to be kind to yourself and practice kindness by saying kind words instead of unkind words. Stay away from words such as “I am stupid.” or “I am bad.” because these words affect how we feel about ourselves and how we act with others. Over the next few weeks, we are going to start taking about Growth Mindset and the power of YET.  You may feel like you are not good at something such as school, so it is

important to remember that we are here to help you and that you will get better. Be kind to yourself and remember that you will get there.

the power of yet

Remember the power of YET.


With respect and kindness,

Ms. Sandy

(707) 834-2861