Cougar News

August 11, 2020


Welcome back students and families! We are excited to start the 2020-2021 school year with new opportunities for learning and growing as individuals and a community.

As you may know, the Loleta Elementary School Board voted to start the school year off with Distance Learning to make sure all of our students and families are safe. The school board will be meeting in mid September to review distance learning and how it is working for our students and families and make a determination on how to best educate students in a safe way with a hybrid or full in person model. 

  • Distance learning will look different than it did in the spring.
  • Attendance will be taken every day by teachers. Students will be required to log into a class meeting via Google Meet each day with their teacher at their class time.
  • If a student does not check in with their teacher that day, they will be marked absent. 
  • Teachers will be sending letters home to parents about classroom expectations, assignments, and mandatory meetings in the coming week. So parents and students, please check your mailboxes!
  • Teachers will also be scheduling meetings with students and parents to make sure students and parents have the links, including logins and passwords, for educational sites and to ensure that students and parents know how to access and navigate Google Classroom and answer any questions. These meetings will be scheduled during the weeks of August 17 and 24.
  • Chromebooks will be delivered to students starting

this week August 12. Please expect a phone call from our office staff to schedule a time to deliver your child’s Chromebook. We don’t have enough Chromebooks for each child at this time, but an order is expected to be delivered during the first week of September. At this time, Chromebooks will be distributed so that each family has access to at least one Chromebook.

  • Parents, it may be helpful to begin to get your child on a regular sleep schedule that is consistent for school. I would recommend starting this week and having your child go to sleep 30 minutes

earlier with a goal of going to sleep the first week of school at scheduled bedtime for school. Sleep is one of the most important components of positive mental health and it is important that children get at least 9 to 10 hours of sleep per night. Sleep is also associated with memory and attention so please help your child develop positive sleep habits to help them better learn.

  • Please have a dedicated space for your child to do their schoolwork such as a desk or a space at the kitchen table. Please

try to keep the workspace clutter free. We can provide your child with headphones with a microphone to help them stay better focused and hear their teacher. Desks are also available should your child need a space for school. Materials will be sent home every Thursday in a banker’s white boxes and will be a way for students and teachers to exchange materials. It might be helpful to create a visual schedule for your child about their daily/weekly meetings. 


Important Upcoming Events:
  • Back to School Social, Wednesday August 19, 4 to 6pm via Zoom
  • Back to School Drive By, Wednesday August 19, noon
  • First day of school Thursday, August 20 

Please make sure you have turned in your packets and registration information.

Check out our new website at

Remember Cougars to be well, get good sleep, eat healthy, stay hydrated and drink water, do some random acts of kindness, and be safe, responsible and respectful. We look forward to seeing all of your faces next week.
















Cougar News 8 11 2020 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PDF